I’ve been looking over the gallery members and there are a lot that appear to be spam bots. Instead of spending hours weeding through each member, I will be purging the membership completely sometime tonight and adding an anti-spam measure to the registration process. If you are currently registered in the gallery you will need to register again. I apologize for the inconvenience this will cause but it is the fastest and easiest way to insure the stability and security of the gallery. The purge will likely happen around midnight EST.
edit: All members have been deleted. If you were previously registered at the gallery, please register again. Remember, you must be a registered user to view the gallery in its entirety. If for some reason you are unable to register, feel free to email me at glamour-reese @ live.com with your desired username and I will set it up for you.
Hi Lisa,
I can see the Gallery without being registered. Is there something wrong? I only wanted to let you know.
By the way, I love all the updates!! Thank you so much!!