“Lorne brought me into his office, and he was like, “People have to laugh. There’s such an importance in what we do.” It was a huge career lesson. Lorne said it was really important that I curse in the opening monologue. He said, “I really want you to say ‘fuck’ or something.” Because what happened to our country was profane, and he felt it deserved profanity. I think he also thought it was funny to have this tiny young blonde girl tell a joke whose punch line is ‘f**k.'” – on hosting the first episode of SNL after 9/11
“I burst out laughing in the middle of the scene [in This Means War]… It happens to me all the time and it’s terrible. My husband will fall down and I just start to die laughing because it’s so ridiculous and absurd. Somebody told me their dog died the other day and I had to stifle myself. The dog fell off the bed and hit his head. This is terrible and it’s not funny at all..I feel bad now,” added the 35-year-old star.”
“It’s tough sometimes, because people want to make you have these big decisions and stuff – do you want to do this script, do you want to do that? – and it’s tough. Finally, I just kind of sit down and say, ‘I don’t know. I’m 15 years old. You figure it out for me.’ I don’t know. There’s so many things I don’t know about.”
“It’s usually country music and my kids just plug their ears and pray for the song to end! The other day I was dancing around the house when they came in and literally stared at me like, ‘Oh my God, that’s so embarrassing.’ But I didn’t stop. You can’t stop dancing.”
“When I was little, I really wanted to be an actor, which was kind of weird because my mom and dad were both in the medical industry. So when I was 7 years old, I got to be in a local flower commercial. My best friend down the street, her grandma had a flower shop, so I got in this little flower commercial, and I loved it so, I said to my mom ‘I really want to take acting classes.’ And she signed me up. I would do acting classes every Saturday for three or four hours.”
“Men from Manchester are really sexy.”
Jennifer Aniston – “I’m next to Reese, right next to Reese, my dear friend — we’ll get walked on right next to each other!” (talking about her star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame)