I’ve just come across this new article about the title artwork for a new film starring Reese titled ‘Brave’, and I have to say it’s the first I’ve heard of this! Can any of our visitors help to enlighten me on this movie?
Disney’s Hollywood Studios cast member Paul Chadkin spotted and photographed the first known title artwork for Disney/Pixar’s Brave today in poster form at the park’s Animation Building. Note that the logo for the film (originally titled The Bear and the Bow) has been modified from the original photo for its presentation here and may or may not properly represent the true artwork.
Pixar animator Chris Chua noted that Princess Merida (Reese Witherspoon) and her mother, Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson) are prominently represented in the logo here as well (pay special attention to the detail in the lettering).
The Pixar original fairytale, set in a rugged and mythic Scotland, features the impetuous, tangle-haired Merida who would prefer to make her mark as a great archer despite being a daughter of royalty. A clash of wills with her mother compels Merida to make a reckless choice, which unleashes unintended peril on her father’s kingdom and her mother’s life. Merida struggles with the unpredictable forces of nature, magic and a dark, ancient curse to set things right.
Brave is slated to be released in North America on June 15, 2012.
– stitchkingdom.com