Ready to submit?

Here are some ideas if you think of anything else contact us.

» Happy Birthday Message
Just a quick "Happy Birthday Reese!"

» Reasons why you love Reese
Give some reasons why you're a Reese Witherspoon fan.

» Poetry
Wrote a poem about or for Reese? This is the place to share it.

» Fanart
Drawings, Digital Art, Birthday Banners, Wallpapers, Etc. (Will Be resized/compressed if over 230KB. Upload at or and copy the URL given)

» Song Lyrics
This could be from a song you wrote or just a song you think describes Reese.

But most of all be creative and speak from the heart. You don't have to give every detail of your life but it would be nice for you to leave a meaningful message for Ms. Witherspoon to read.